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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Electricity4Gas Review - How to Make an Electric Car?

Do you want to learn how to make an electric car with the Electricity4Gas guide, and will it really work? After using Electricity 4 Gas and managing to convert my car to run on electricity now, I am pleased that this really does work and have since recommended to my friends who have managed to do this conversion process successfully as well.

1. What Are The Benefits Of Using The Electricity4Gas Plans?

This package contains a detailed set of step-by-step plans and diagrams that will teach you how to build your own electric car. All the parts that are recommended inside can be easily obtained, and users will also learn where they can get free deep cycle batteries and DC motors for their cars.

Overall, the entire electric car conversion was very cheap, costing only about the total cost of a car repair bill. When compared to the benefits of costs savings that it is helping me achieve today, I will say that Electricity4Gas has been very well worth the money as its value it provides far exceeds its cost.

2. What Are The Necessary Components Before You Can Make An Electric Car?

Besides a detailed step-by-step plan like the one in the Electricity4Gas manual, you will need large enough space to do the conversion. This place can be your garage, your drive or your barn, and you will also need a helper. Lastly of course, you will need the car that you intend to convert.

3. Should You Convert Your Car To Electric?

There are many benefits of running a car on electric instead of gas. The main body of your car will rust from the underneath before the parts give up, and you can easily transfer the parts to another car. Overall, electricity-powered cars are much more reliable since they have very few moving parts to wear out.

Is Electricity4Gas a scam? Visit http://www.top-review.org/electricity4gas.htm to read a FREE report about this electric car conversion manual!

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